Moros y Cristianos de Jijona


After several weeks of working up towards this festival, this weekend on Saturday 18 August, the three ‘big’ festival days take place

Jijona’s Moors and Christians are one of the most traditional and historic festivals of their type in Alicante, dating back over 200 years.

The town opens its doors offering a complete programme of events for everyone. Some of the most important events taking place this weekend are ‘La Presentación de bandas’, ‘la Entrada’, ‘las Embajadas’, ‘el Kabileo’, ‘el Alardo’, ‘la Retreta’, ‘la Banyà’ or the ‘el Moro traidor’.

On Saturday, the spectacular ‘Entrada’ will be broadcast live on the web and from the page facebook of Jijona’s tourist office. On Sunday, there will be more processions from different groups such as the ‘Contrabadistas’, the funny ‘Piratas’ and the classic ‘Moros’. On Monday morning, see the ‘el Juicio sumarísimo del Moro traidor’ and in the afternoon the last group ‘Cristianos’ gives a spectacular parade.



  • 08.00h BAND PRESENTATION. From Pescateria Street to the Town Hall along Av. de la Constitució – La Plaça. Finally, all bands will perform the traditional festivity piece of music in front of the Town Hall.
  • 11.30h LA BANYÀ. A parade that starts at the Town Hall.
  • 18.00h ENTRADA. The main parade that starts at the Alicante bridge and finishes at the castle, built for the occasion, on the Calle del Vall and Av. de la Constitució – La Plaça. The order of the groups parading is : 1º Cavallers del Cid, 2º Pirates-Marinos, 3º Llauraors, 4º Contrabandistes, 5º La Canyeta (Christian Captaincy), 6º Kaimans, 7º Moros Verds, 8º Marrocs, 9º Moros Vermells, 10º Moros Grocs (Moorish Captaincy).
  • 00.30h. NIGHT PARADE, from the castle to the Town Hall.


Moros y Cristianos Xixona 2018

August 18
08:00 — 02:00

Jijona (Alicante)

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