Ayora’s ‘Primer Corte de la Miel’


This original ‘Primer Corte de la Miel’ or bee fest takes place from 11 to 14 October in Ayora (Valencia), an area renowned for its excellent quality honey; a great event to find out more about beekeeping, honey and food or tourism.

Over four days visitors can enjoy a huge variety of activities in this XVIII edition of the event that has been declared Fiesta de Interés Turístico Autonómico de la Comunitat Valenciana (Tourist event of interest of the Valencian Community).

The fair, which takes place in the main town square, will be divided into different areas dedicated to beekeeping, food, children, crafts, stalls and themed streets.

Honey lovers will especially like the beekeeping area, where local beekeepers will have different varieties of honey and related products such as propolis, royal jelly, sweets or cosmetics on offer. The fair’s highlight can also be found in this area; a huge glass container with beehives inside. Here, beekeepers will show each steps of their daily work; since the moment the beehive is installed until the honey is extracted offering honey for the public to try.

In the food area, visitors will be able to taste local products such as oils, sausages, wines, salted meats or cheeses, as well as some typical dishes from Ayora and the local region.

Children will be able to enjoy some educational activities and handcrafts in their dedicated space learning some beekeeping secrets.

A medieval market will be set up in the crafts area and in the commercial area a selection of exhibitors will have a wide variety of products on offer.

The themed streets will be aligned with various outdoor exhibitions on local and national heritage, festivals and traditions.

The fair is topped off with guided tours to see the ‘Abrigo de Tortosilla’ cave paintings, declared Heritage of Humanity, the ‘Iberian village of Castellar de Meca’ and other local cultural heritage ‘bienes de interés cultural’.



October 11
18:00 — 23:00

Plaza Mayor (Ayora)

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