Authentic Visigoth banquet and interactive visit of ‘Pla de Nadal’ archaelogical site


This one off opportunity takes place on 27 July at 18.00 in the Valencian town of Riba-roja de Túria.

A unique experience where visitors can see and feel how inhabitants of the VII century archaeological site Pla de Nadal did. An unforgettable way to discover the Visigothic culture.

The visit starts at the the MUPLA (Visigoth Museum of Pla de Nadal), followed by a theatrical visit to the site (visitors must have their own transport) and a walk through the site wearing 3D glasses: to wrap up a delicious Visigoth banquet!

Book here


Visigoth banquet

July 27
18:00 — 22:00

Pla de Nadal (Riba-roja de Túria)

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