“Magical walks along the traditional paths of Ibi 2022”


This is the fifth edition of these beautiful walking routes perfect for enjoying nature and getting to know the environment of Ibi.

The routes are free of charge and, once again, participants can set themselves the challenge of completing them all, thus completing the card that will be given to each attendee and which they must carry on each route to certify their attendance.

All the routes will start from the Biodiversity Museum on the Saturdays indicated at 9:00.

The routes proposed for this year 2022 are as follows:

  • 5 March: “Camí Vell d’Alcoi – La Via”.
  • 2 April: “Camí Vell d’Onil- Camí Yecla- Alcoi”.
  • 30 April: “Camí Vell de Castalla- Camí de la Font Negra”.
  • 24 September: “Camí Vell de València- Camí dels Biscois”.
  • 22 October: “Camí Vell de Xixona- Camí dels Carrascals”.
  • 26 November: “Camí Vell de les Raboses- Camí del Canyo”.
  • 24 December: “Camí Vell de Foiadereretes- Camí dels Molins”.

More information


April 30
09:00 — 13:00

Museo de la Biodiversidad (Ibi)

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