Baryton Trios: chamber music


Matthew Baker, Estevan de Almeida Reis and Alexander Friedhoff have come together to play a selection of four of the 126 baryton trios from Haydn in their original format – baryton, viola and cello

The music of Franz Joseph Haydn is one of the most celebrated musics in the classical repertoire but there are still works of his that do not have the recognition they should have. And they are not few works either. In fact, the compositions of Hob. X – XIII, which add up to more than 160 works, are very little known because their instrumentation features an instrument that today is very rarely heard – the baryton.

With the resonances of the 16 baryton strings combined with the soft textures of the viola and the powerful basses of the cello, they recreate the precious music of the time of Esterhazy’s court.


  • Matthew Baker, baryton
  • Almeida Reis’sEstevan, viola
  • Alex Friedhoff, cello

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October 7
19:30 — 21:30

València – Matisse Club

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