Exposición “El secreto del glamour” de Hannibal Laguna


The exhibition can be visited from 15 June to 15 September, 2023 at the Provincial Palace of Alicante.

The Provincial Council of Alicante hosts this exhibition of the Alicante firm Hannibal Laguna, one of the most emblematic Spanish haute couture houses with the greatest international projection, with which it celebrates its 35th anniversary.

This is a unique and innovative occasion to recognize and promote the fashion sector, placing it as another element in the field of culture.

The exhibition includes large photographs, information panels, audiovisual pieces and 35 of the firm’s most iconic dresses, which have been worn by celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Demi Moore, Rocío Jurado or Garbiñe Muruguruza.


  • Monday to Saturday: from 11:00 to 13:00 and from 17:30 to 20:00.


June 15
11:00 — 20:00

Palacio Provincial de la Diputación de Alicante

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