‘Feria del Cava Valenciano’


The event takes place from 23 to 25 November at the Mercado Colón in Valencia.

The sixth edition of this fair brings together nine Valencian companies. They will offer their produce for sale as well as the opportunity to try locally produced cava, mainly from Requena.

Any good cava needs to be comibined with good food, which will also be available offering visitors information on what food to pair with what cava.

Fun and learning is guaranteed with raffles and workshops such as blindfolded cava tasting or showcooking Christmas tapas. To enjoy these workshops book in advance by sending an email to: feria.cavavalenciano@gmail.com.

Visitors can buy a EUR 10 ticket to enjoy two drinks of cava, two of cava reserve and a tapa. This ticket also includes a souvenir glass.


November 24
12:00 — 15:00

Mercado Colón (Valencia)

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