Great landing of Moors and Christians


Alicante welcomes this tradition for the second year in a row that will take place at Postiguet Beach, in the Cocó area

It is expected the participation of more than half a thousand ‘festeros’ of three Alicante’s neighbourhoods: Altozano, Villafranqueza-El Palamó and El Rebolledo, belonging to the Federation of Moors and Christians.

The great landing, a traditional battle that dates back to the end of the 16th century, will begin with the arrival of the boats to the beach, which will be followed by the firing of Christians and Berber pirates.

Gran Desembarco de Moros y Cristianos 2018

Tourists and Alicante citizens can enjoy from the walk or from the beach of the recreation of the landing with a show composed of arquebuses, colorful costumes, capes, sabers and fireworks shows.

The medieval atmosphere is complemented by an Arab souk installed in the beach parking from August 4 to 8. It will feature crafts, food and typical Arab products, as well as music of the time.

August 4
20:30 — 22:30

Playa del Postiguet (Alicante)

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