Kidd Keo


With a fresh and direct style, this alicantino has made room at an unstoppable pace and happens to be one of the trap artists of the moment

His music is trap in the purest American style and his concerts have become the wildest of the current trap. Kidd Keo‘s impact is currently brutal and he is one of the Spanish trap singers that has more followers files internationally.

Kidd Keo rapes alternating lyrics in English and Spanish. This Spanish trap singer doesn’t understand censorship and mixes powerful lyrics and rhythms with classy bases with freshness underground.

Kidd Keo is a reflection of many cultures, with influences from the music he listened to as a child, like Bebe and Mala Rodríguez, a little bit of punk style, rock and electronic music, with a production and a personal and unique style, which make him the exponent and leading artist of the current national trap. It is a trap that soaks up from the street, that comes out of the essence of poverty and transmits a lot of flow and charisma.

More information

September 28
19:30 — 21:30

Discoteca OH Valencia – Albal

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