Sona la Dipu 2018: Ontinyent


‘Sona la Dipu’ (pop-rock contest) promoting emerging talents from the Costa Blanca along with famous national groups.

Several Valencian groups have been selected to compete for an amazing grand prize: to record their own album and tour nationally and internationally. The bands are: Fire Friend, Kill The President!, L´Home Brut, Linqae, The Invaders, Mr. Perfume, NUC, North periphery, The Seafood Special, Tin Robots, Twise and Yo Diablo.

These twelve groups represent a wide range of genres from rock to hip hop, hardcore, indie, folk, signature music and electronic and alternative rock.

The Diputación de Valencia promotes this contest, which will take place in various Valencian towns and has placed its bet not only on music but also on equality by promoting female participation and setting up a jury made up mainly by women.

As a novelty, each contest day special invited guest bands/singers will open and or close each session.


The first semi-final takes place in Ontinyent on 22 August with invited guest bands La Pegatina and La Habitación Roja.

August 22
21:00 — 00:00

L’Esplanada de Tortosa i Delgado (Ontinyent)

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