Cala del Moraig (El Poble Nou de Benitatxell)


Cala del Moraig

This small Cala del Poble Nou de Benitatxell comes to corroborate that the small is beautiful and, over time, has become a small paradise for divers and for the simple visitors who dare to descend by vehicle or on foot through the steep slopes that descend from the Cumbres del Sol, in the surroundings of which is the Puig Llorensa -a small elevation of the area of about 440 meters above sea level- to the small cove that the waters scratch every day.

The environment has been the subject of intense urbanization in which people of all origins come to the place, marveled by the views.

Cala del Moraig

From the cove curiously one is abstracted from the more or less variegated environment of houses and can enjoy a bath certainly unique in the Cova dels Arcs, where the mixture of fresh and salt water creates visual and thermal effects that make the bath an experience close to the one of a natural marine spa.

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