‘Art al vent 2019’


From 14 August to September 8, see balconies full of hand-woven craft in Gata’s town centre.

Visit the street called ‘Bassa’ to see 86 canvases of artists from 18 countries from all continents; proof the prestige this exhibition has gained over the years.

‘Art al vent’ combines contemporary textile creations with the popular tradition of hanging quilts over balconies during local festivities as processions go by; a deeply rooted tradition in Costa Blanca towns.

This year is the XVI edition and will fill the town with textures and colours and many hanging covers that the town is renown for.

Lots of cultural activities will also be organised so that visitors can make the most of their visit to find out more and enjoy the town.


Art al vent 2019: cartel


August 14
20:00 — 00:00

Calle la Bassa (Gata de Gorgos)

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