“Muestra de Teatro Español de Autores Contemporáneos 2020”


This event has been taking place now for 28 years, and this year looks promising with a complete programme of shows to take place at different theatres around the city. The programme of shows starts on November 6 and ends on November 14.

The long list of 22 shows includes comedies, dramas, street experiences, cabaret, popular theatre and children’s theatre.

Some events are free of charge and others not. Tickets can be purchased online or at the box office of each theatre as from one hour before each event.

More information and booking


November 13
18:00 — 22:40

C.C. Las Cigarreras (Alicante), C.S.C. “Gastón Castelló” (Alicante), Teatro Principal (Alicante)

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