‘Nit del foc’


Valencia opens these festivities with spectacular fireworks and traditional mascletás. Fallas start on 1 of March and ending on 19 March.

There will also be many nights lit with spectacular fireworks culminating with the ‘La Nit del Foc’ (night of fire), 18 March (very) early in the morning.


  • March 9, at 00:00: ‘Mascletà de Colores’, at plaza del Ayuntamiento.
  • March 15, at 00:00: ‘Efectos Nit de l’Alba de las Fallas’, at plaza del Ayuntamiento.
  • March 16, at 00:00: ‘Castillo de fuegos artificiales’, at paseo de la Alameda.
  • March 17, at 00:00: ‘Castillo de fuegos artificiales’, at paseo de la Alameda.
  • March 18, at 01:30: ‘Nit del foc’, at paseo de la Alameda.
  • March 19, at 01:00: ‘Ramillete de fuegos aéreos’, at plaza del Ayuntamiento.


March 19
01:30 — 01:45

Paseo de la Alameda (Valencia)

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