Discover the cuisine, wine and landscapes of the La Vall de Pop


Tot Vall de Pop 2018


“Tot Vall de Pop 2018” is on from 1 to 9 December. Different towns from this valley located in the Marina Alta de Alicante will take part.

Vall de Pop comprises the municipalities of Benigembla, Murla, Parcent and Alcalalí, where the valley opens up and the municipalities of Xaló, Llíber, Senija and Benissa, nearer the coast.

This is the tenth year this event takes place and it will have a complete programme of activities, promoting local food, wine and the area.

Food from this area is authentic and includes local sausages, rice broths and traditional stews. Local restaurants will offer special menus during the days of the event.
There will also be a special market on called Mercat de la Terra de Xaló, dedicated to local sausages.

The three main bodegas in the area (Xaló, Parcent and Gutiérrrez de la Vega) will open their doors offering visitors guided tours and tastings.

There will be two guided routes through Alcalalí and the Pla de Petracos.


Tot Vall de Pop 2018: programme


Tot Vall de Pop 2018: Gastronomy

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