‘Moros y Cristianos de Elda’ (Moors and Christians of Elda)


Moros y Cristianos de Elda 2019

By morosycristianoselda.es

The 75th anniversary of these festivities takes place in Elda (Alicante) from 6 to 10 June.

This ‘Moros y Cristianos de Elda’ festival, declared of tourist interest, is one of the most popular on the Costa Blanca.

During the festivities, around 7 000 festeros (traditional party goers) grouped in 9 comparsas (five from the Christian side and four from the Moorish side) parade in their characteristic and splendid costumes.

These parades will be full of gunpowder and live music with the many traditional bands taking over the town with their contagious rhythms.


Moros y Cristianos de Elda: programme

Moros y Cristianos de Elda

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