Campello (Alicante) – Medieval market and Moors and Christians


Mercado Medieval - Moros y Cristianos de El Campello


This Medieval Market starts on 11 October and ends on 14 October, open to the public from 11.30 to 14.00 and from 17.30 to 22.30, it takes place in Campello’s Plaza de la Constitución and surrounding area with a wide variety of craft and food stalls.

There will be fun for all with both day and evening shows, children’s area, parades, workshops and music.



The market is on at the same time as the Moors and Christians Festivities, which start on 12 October and finish on 15 October.

Festivities start on Friday with the famous ‘El Desembarco Moro’ (Moorish landing) followed by the spectacular ‘Embajada Mora’ on the ‘Carrer la Mar’ beach. Festivities continue with other traditions such as the ‘alardos’, grouping of different ‘embassies’ in front of the castle and colourful parades that will fill the streets with music and light.

On 13 October at 11.30 the ‘Christian Embassy’ takes the lead and then on 15 October religious acts in honour of Saint Teresa and the ‘Virgen de los Desamparados’ take place ending with a magnificent fireworks display.

Promotional Video


Friday, 12th of October

  • 07:00 Sighting of the Moors’ fleet and lighting of the warning fires and sounding the bells to alert the citizens. Moors’ raid to the Christians’ camp with sounds of ‘arcabucería’ (musket firing).
  • 07:40 Arrival of the Christian artillery troops and Saracen landing boats with sound of ‘arcabucería’ at Carrer de la Mar beach.
  • 08:00 Arrival of the Christian Captains with their troops. Christian defences.
  • 08:15 Moors Captains landing on the beach.
  • 08:30 Embajada (Negotiations between the armies) and Final Battle between both armies to conquest the city.
  • 12:00 Marching bands to the Fiestas Castle vía Avenida Generalitat. At the end Hymn of the Fiesta.
  • 19.00 Great Christians-Moors Parade vía Avenida Generalitat.

Saturday, 13th of October

  • 08.30 Alardo (musket battle through the streets by the Moors-Christians with muskets firing) – finishes at the festival castle.
  • 09:00 Musical ‘reveille’ through the streets of the town.
  • 11:30 Embajada – (Moors enter negotiations) at the festival castle, by the Town Hall (Saint Christol lèz Alès Sqr.)
  • 19:00 Moors-Christians parade all along Avenida Generalitat.

Sunday, 14th of October

  • 09:00 Musical ‘reveille’ through the streets of the town.
  • 12:00 Informal parade (Avda. Generalitat, C/Doctor Fleming, C/Mayor, C/Pal, C/ Alcalde Oncina Giner, Saint Christol Les Alez Sq.)
  • 20:00h RETRETA (humour costume parade that satirises or parodies current issues) via Avenida Generalitat. At the end DJ in Saint Christol Les Alez Sq.

Monday, 15th of October

  • 08:00 Reveille and Bell ringing to signal the liberation/reconquest of the village of El Campello.
  • 11:00 Holy Mass in the Parish Church of Santa Teresa, Plaza Canalejas.
  • 12:00 Flower offering to Our Lady of the “Desemparats”, via Calle Pal.
  • 14:00 Mascletà (noisy firecrackers) in honour of Saint Theresa. C/ Alcalde Pepe Carratalá (in the general area of the marketplace). Provided by the Turis pyrotechnical company.
  • 20:00 Solemn procession from Plaza Canalejas followed by Firework display (C/ Alcalde Pepe Carratalá). Provided by the Turis pyrotechnical company.
  • 22:30 Presentation and exchange of flags for next year’s celebrations.
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