Cordón Dunar – La Rábita Califal (Guardamar del Segura)


The dunes keep treasures of the past in Guardamar del Segura. Beyond the landscape and biological value that undoubtedly treasures the set of huge dunes and natural vegetation that is installed on it, the existence of a Rábita Califal, dating from the ninth century, north of the urban limit of the population, in one of the last bends that the river makes before its mouth confers an incalculable historical value.

The fortification, which at the time was a path for prayer and holy war, was inhabited by warrior monks and today is in the process of restoration and excavation. Its strategic location connects it with other Mediterranean fortifications such as the one existing in Tunisia and makes it one of the best preserved in the Islamic West, as well as the oldest.

Along with this travel through history we can perhaps plunge into loneliness in the more than four kilometers of exceptionally well preserved beach and let ourselves be carried away by the history of which we are part, rocked and cradled by the waves in an unforgettable environment.

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