‘Moors and Christians’ in Novelda


Fiestas patronates y Moros y Cristianos de Novelda

By novelda.es

The ‘Moors and Christians’ will be on from 19 to 28 July.

The ’embajada’ (embassy), one of the main events of the festivities, takes place in the Town Hall square 19 July.

The biggest parades takes place on 21 July, with 6 Christian ‘comparsas’, and on 23 July with 4 Moorish ‘comparsas’.

Extra splendour and pomp is added to these fiestas as they also coincide with Novelda’s patron saint fiestas. Again, ¡fiestas for everone!



Fiestas patronates y Moros y Cristianos de Novelda 2019

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