“Ninot Exhibition” (Alicante)


Exposición del Ninot (Alicante)

By hogueras.com

Visit this traditional ‘Hogueras’ exhibition at Alicante’s Lonja del Pescado from 20 May to 17 June.

Hundred of ‘ninots’ or cardboard figures used to decorate Alicante’s Hogueras (monuments that are built and burnt as part of the Hogueras festivities).

A Hogueras commissions makes a first select of ninots to participate in a popular vote to choose the ‘ninots indultats’; those saved from being burned in the ‘Hogueras’ and to enter this Hogueras Museum in Alicante.


  • Tuesday to Friday: from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00.
  • Saturdays and Sundays: from 10:00 to 21:00.



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