Number of hotel stays has increased in Valencia, lowered in Alicante and remains the same in Benidorm


Ocupación hotelera

By @HosbecAsociacion

According to data provided by Hosbec, Benidorm has managed to save the summer season thanks to Spanish and Portuguese tourists. This summer, hotel occupancy in Benidorm stood at 91.47%; a moderate drop of half a point compared to August 2017.

On the other side of the scale is the British market (33 % of the total), which continues drop due to various factors such as less flights and this summer’s hot UK weather that gave place to ‘staycation’ (holidays at home).

August’s bank holiday boosted occupancy rates to this year’s best in the second part of August.

By provinces, the number of international tourists in Alicante dropped as ‘borrowed’ ones chose to summer again in Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia as they recover stability.

Valencia’s occupancy rate hit a high especially at top market hotels (4 and 5 stars).

Overall, income from tourisim in Costa Blanca’s main tourist destinations continues to increase (average 8%) contributing 11 % to Spain’s GDP.

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