‘El Campello Moors and Christians 2019’


Moros y Cristianos de El Campello 2019

By blog.elcampelloturismo.com

The ‘Moors and Christians’ Festivities start on 12 October and finish on 15 October.

Festivities start on Saturday with the famous ‘El Desembarco Moro’ (Moorish landing) followed by the spectacular ‘Embajada Mora’ on the ‘Carrer la Mar’ beach.

Festivities continue with other traditions such as the ‘alardos’, grouping of different ‘embassies’ in front of the castle and colourful parades that will fill the streets with music and light.

On 13 October at 11:30 the ‘Christian Embassy’ takes the lead and then on 15 October religious acts in honour of Saint Teresa and the ‘Virgen de los Desamparados’ take place ending with a magnificent fireworks display.


Moros y Cristianos de El Campello 2019: programme

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